“Sustainable Colombia” is part of a two-year-old series featuring leaders from Latin American nations–including those from Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador–as well as Luis Almagro, the secretary general of the Organization of American States, and elected officials from Puerto Rico.
The May 5 event with former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Vélez was organized with the Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Development, and Leadership (CPDL-RD) and will include Claudia S. de Windt, CEO of the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability, and CNN columnist Geovanny Vicente Romero, founder of CPDL-RD.
Consistent with all of our DC Dialogues events, we anticipate a robust exchange on President Uribe’s tenure and the larger issue of sustainability, both among the panelists and during our question-and-answer session.

President Uribe will share his journey and insights in pursuit of citizen and environmental security in his country, Latin America’s oldest democracy. President Uribe’s contributions and innovative programs focused on families’ livelihoods and sustainability as a means to promote democracy and security will be highlighted as well as ideas on the future. De Windt will provide an inter-American system perspective on how to extrapolate these successes to other regions and programs.
Claudia S. de Windt, International lawyer and Chief Executive of the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability (IIJS) will join this wide-ranging discussion with President Uribe led by Geovanny Vicente Romero, Writer, Political Strategist, Founder, Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Leadership and Development (CPDL-RD), and Columnist for CNN.
Join The John Brademas Center and NYU Washington, DC in exploring Colombia’s past, analyzing its present and forecasting its future as we draw out sustainability lessons from President Uribe’s experience that can benefit the region’s ecosystems and democratic security.
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via Zoom
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
4:00 PM EDT
3:00 PM Colombia
Virtual Webinar (Zoom)
Opening Remarks