Environment Minister Orlando Jorge Mera

Condolences to the Dominican Republic for Environment Minister Orlando Jorge Mera, who died championing #ClimateAction. His passing came when Orlando was leading fight against those destroying our natural resources, including people close to him.

He chose values over friendship.

Geovanny Vicente-Romero

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BBC: The Dominican Republic’s minister of environment and natural resources has been shot and killed in his office by a close personal friend, officials say.

Orlando Jorge Mera, 55, was holding a meeting at the time of the attack. At least six shots were heard.

A presidential spokesman identified the assailant as Miguel Cruz, describing him as a childhood friend of the minister.

He is now in custody. The motive for the shooting remains unclear.

In a statement, Mr Jorge Mera’s family said he had been shot multiple times by a man he was friends with since childhood.

“Our family forgives the person who did this. One of Orlando’s greatest legacies was to not hold grudges,” they added.

In a tweet, President Luis Abinader expressed his sincere condolences to Mr Jorge Mera’s family and said that he deeply regretted the death of his good friend.

#OrlandoJorgeMera #DominicanRepublic