Geovanny Vicente-Romero joins the NYU DC Dialogues to moderate and share insights on the 'Outlook on Venezuela: The Roadmap to Recovery', sparking meaningful discussions and exploring paths forward for the country's future.

Geovanny Vicente-Romero joins the NYU DC Dialogues to moderate and share insights on the ‘Outlook on Venezuela: The Roadmap to Recovery’, sparking meaningful discussions and exploring paths forward for the country’s future.

Geovanny Vicente-Romero receives a standing ovation after delivering a thought-provoking conference on ‘Gobernanza y gobernabilidad en las políticas públicas’ (Governance and Governability in Public Policy) as part of the Proyecto Democracia in Durango, Mexico (2019).
Geovanny Vicente-Romero moderates the NYU’s #DCDialogues, joining the crucial conversation on ‘Puerto Rico’s Earthquake Response: Food, Family, and FEMA’, sharing expertise and insights on the island’s recovery and resilience.