Geovanny's new Books
Vicente-Romero, Geovanny. Participatory Budgeting Within the Framework of Open Government: Dominican Republic as a Case Study. (2022). In Christophe Premat (Ed.), Direct Democracy Practices at the Local Level. IGI Global – Stockholm University, Sweden. ISBN 9781799873044. Collective work.
La región que viene: Miradas sobre Centroamérica (2021)
Vicente-Romero, Geovanny. Liderazgo político e integración regional frente al cambio climático: un desafío que amenaza el futuro de América Central y el Caribe. (2021). In Diego Echegoyen Rivera (Ed), La Región que viene: Miradas sobre Centroamérica. San Salvador – El País Que Viene Initiative, The Central American Integration System (SICA). Collective work.

Geovanny Vicente Romero in the news

Geovanny Vicente-Romero writes an internationally acclaimed column for CNN. He is a Washington, D.C.-based political strategist, consultant and lecturer. Geovanny teaches Strategic Communications for Professionals at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies (SPS) where he also serves Columbia University’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee as a member for the year 2022-2023. At the same time, Geovanny teaches adult education students at Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School. Vicente-Romero publishes investigative and analytical articles on political communication, democracy, development, human rights, governance, elections, the environment, and the role of women in society. He founded the Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Development, and Leadership (CPDL-RD). Geovanny earned a master’s degree in political communications and strategic governance from The George Washington University and is a PhD candidate in political science and public administration at the University of Murcia, Spain. Geovanny is the recipient of the Dominican National Youth Award for professional excellence, the nation’s highest honor for people 35 and under. Vicente-Romero is also the recipient of the Napolitan Victory Awards (Column of The Year Award 2020), granted by The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences™. In 2022, he was recognized as Global Top 100 Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD – New York) – Politics & Governance (Class of 2022), following the opening of the 77th United Nations General Assembly, in New York. In 2022, Geovanny Vicente-Romero, was recognized as one of the He-For-She Champion for The Denim Club, a group of male figures that work to close the gender equality gap by promoting equity and more opportunities for the recognition and visibility of female leadership. At the same time, Vicente-Romero joined the G100 as Global Advisor on Mentoring & Motivation committee. In 2023, Geovanny was named to Leaders of Color Class of 2023. Also, in 2023, he was named to the FBI Citizens Academy Class of 2023 at the Washington Field Office (WFO). Reach him on Twitter: @GeovannyVicentR.