CARACAS, Venezuela, July 25, 2024 –  With Venezuela’s pivotal presidential election fast approaching on Sunday, July 28, opposition leaders sounded the alarm during a high-stakes virtual press conference hosted by UN Watch on July 23. Prominent figures from the campaign of María Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez highlighted challenges facing voters, while underscoring the unwavering determination of the Venezuelan people to reclaim their democracy.

Antonio Ledezma, former mayor of Caracas, captured this determination: “On Sunday, we will showcase a spectacular civic parade to the world. Over 15 million voters are expected to unite, transcending ideological divides and political affiliations. United, they will cast their ballots to reclaim their democracy, peace, and freedom.”

Highlights from the Conference: Confronting Electoral Suppression

With the election just days away, opposition leaders have intensified their calls for international solidarity, sounding the alarm over systematic voter suppression tactics by the Maduro regime that threaten to undermine the integrity of the democratic process. From the disenfranchisement of 7.5 million Venezuelans living abroad to the insidious relocation of voters to manipulate results, the road to the polls has been paved with immense challenges.

“We are holding elections under a dictatorship, with daily deceptions and schemes at play,” underscored Milos Alcalay, former Venezuelan ambassador to the UN, during the conference. “Despite the anguish, there is an unprecedented sense of hope that we will finally emerge from this quarter-century of abuses.”

Maduro’s Threats and Geopolitical Concerns

The Maduro regime has responded to the opposition’s unity by threatening a “bloodbath” and “civil war.” These threats have prompted even leftist leaders like Brazil’s President Lula to demand that the results be respected. This stark warning highlights the gravity of the situation and underscores the need for robust international oversight to ensure election integrity. Opposition leaders, while committed to a peaceful movement, believe the sheer number of supporters will deter military action, as soldiers will fear targeting their own friends and family. As Alcalay stated, “We hope the change will come peacefully with respect for the result, but regardless, the change is irreversible.”

The conference also highlighted the significant risks and challenges of reclaiming Venezuelan sovereignty amidst the presence of Russian troops and a Cuban security apparatus embedded in the country. Humberto Calderón Berti, former Energy and Oil Minister, warned that extremist Islamism is using Venezuela as a base for expansion, with Russian military presence aimed at antagonizing the United States. Diego Arria, former UN Security Council President, supported this claim by adding that the involvement of Iran, Russia and China, along with international narcotraffickers, has turned Venezuela into a strategic pawn in the Caribbean, dangerously close to the United States.

A United Front for Democracy

Arria also cited polls which indicate opposition candidate Edmundo González is leading with 60% to Maduro‘s 24% in a fair election. However, the regime’s propensity for fraud endangers Venezuela’s constitution and the Barbados Agreement, putting the nation’s democratic future at risk. He also revealed that the regime is secretly creating laws to manipulate the election results after Maduro’s inevitable defeat.

María Alejandra Aristeguieta, former ambassador of the Venezuelan opposition to Switzerland and the UN, declared, “This is no ordinary election. This has become a social movement, a grassroots movement in the quest for freedom and the regaining of democracy, and with it, rule of law, and human rights.”

This movement is what Elisabeth Burgos, the former director of La Maison de l’Amérique Latine, described as “a peaceful popular rebellion,” capturing the collective frustration and determination of Venezuelans. “The people can no longer endure,” she said, reflecting the sentiments of a nation pushed to the brink.

The Vigil for Freedom

Berti vividly illustrated the devastating economic collapse under Maduro’s regime. “The country, once envied for its democracy and economic dynamism, now lies in ruins. Rebuilding our nation requires not only international investment but also an unwavering commitment to restoring democracy.”

Venezuela now stands at a critical juncture. Opposition leaders are fervently appealing to the international community to maintain vigilant oversight, hold the Maduro regime accountable, and ensure that the upcoming election is fair and transparent. This vigilant stance is essential for safeguarding the democratic future that Venezuelans are desperately striving to reclaim.

The full press conference is available for viewing here.

Media Contact:

Deliah Mathieu

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 949-241-0260

#Venezuela #UNWatch

**Geovanny Vicente-Romero