Geovanny Vicente Romero is co-author of several books on political communication, governance and democracy. Vicente Romero is currently working on two books; one about the political and economic future of the Central American region, and the other about the American Dream’s myths and realities from the vantage point of Latinos in the USA.

Direct Democracy Practices at the Local Level (Collective works, 2022)
Vicente-Romero, Geovanny. Participatory Budgeting Within the Framework of Open Government: Dominican Republic as a Case Study. (2022). In Christophe Premat (Ed.), Direct Democracy Practices at the Local Level. IGI Global – Stockholm University, Sweden. ISBN 9781799873044. Collective work.
La región que viene: Miradas sobre Centroamérica (collective works, 2021)
Vicente-Romero, Geovanny. Liderazgo político e integración regional frente al cambio climático: un desafío que amenaza el futuro de América Central y el Caribe. (2021). In Diego Echegoyen Rivera (Ed), La Región que viene: Miradas sobre Centroamérica. San Salvador – El País Que Viene Initiative, The Central American Integration System (SICA). Collective work.
Critical Storytelling: Multilingual Immigrants in the United States (Collective works, 2020)
Vicente Romero, Geovanny. Giving Back When Most in Need. (2020). In L. J. Pentón Herrera & E. T. Trịnh (Eds.), Critical Storytelling: Multilingual Immigrants in the United States. Brill – Sense Publishers. ISBN 978-90-04-44618-2.
Universo COMPOL: Universo de la Comunicación Política (obra colectiva, 2020)
Vicente Romero, Geovanny. “Caso República Dominicana”. (2020) Universo COMPOL: Universo de la Comunicación Política (1ª edición). Buenos Aires – Editorial EPYCA. 2020. ISBN 978-987-86-4728-9. Nadia Brizuela. Obra colectiva.