The John Brademas Center and NYU Washington, DC invite you to join a conversation with El Salvador’s Vice President Félix Ulloa on March 16, 2020.
Vice President Félix Ulloa will discuss the historic transformations taking place in El Salvador in the areas of economic development, security, and political engagement following the 2019 elections. El Salvador’s reputation is quickly improving from that of a violent Central American nation plagued by corruption and massive outflows of migrants to one of an emerging investment and tourism destination, with a people-focused government bringing new hope to its citizens and unparalleled engagement through social media.
Join us in traveling to an important part of the world with Vice President Ulloa and moderator Geovanny Vicente Romero, Founder, Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Leadership and Development (CPDL-RD) and Columnist for CNN.
Please note that this program may be filmed and/or photographed.

Dr. Félix Ulloa is the Vice President of the Republic of El Salvador (2019-2024) under the government of President Nayib Bukele. President Nayib Bukele invited Ulloa to join his campaign ticket under the Grand Alliance for National Unity, composed of political parties: WINS – CD and New Ideas. He appointed Dr. Félix Ulloa to lead the Central American Integration and the International Commission Against Impunity of El Salvador, CICIES, which has the challenge of combating corruption and impunity, inside and outside the State. Likewise, by decree, he is in charge of leading the Trifinio Plan, a trinational treaty that commits the vice-presidents of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to improving the living conditions of border communities and developing a process of environmental and territory management in the Trifinio Region.
Ulloa is also a published academic on politics and democracy.

Geovanny Vicente Romero is a columnist for CNN based in Washington, DC. He is a political strategist, international consultant and lecturer. He has published many articles on development, human rights, governance, democracy, elections, the environment, as well as the role of women in a society. He is the founder of the Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Leadership and Development (CPDL-RD). Geovanny has a masters degree from The George Washington University in political communications and strategic governance. Reach him on Twitter @GeovannyVicentR.